Image of EYFS - Lifecycle of a butterfly
13 May

EYFS - Lifecycle of a butterfly

Reception have enjoyed watching the lifecycle of a butterfly first hand. The caterpillars started off very small and they grew much bigger over the space of a week! They then turned into chrysalis. Over the weekend the butterflies emerged and today we set them free in the garden.

Image of Where's Wally Fun Run
3 May

Where's Wally Fun Run

The ‘Where’s Wally’ Fun Run was enjoyed hugely by children and staff alike. As soon as the total raised is known you will be informed. Many thanks to everyone who contributed and took part.

Image of Year 4 Gulp Challenge
30 Apr

Year 4 Gulp Challenge

Year 4 will be taking part in the Gulp challenge organised by Blackpool Community Trust. Their challenge is to swap fizzy drinks for water for 21 days. Pupils will be given a water bottle and a water record tracker to assist them with their challenge.