Behaviour in School

At Baines’ we all work together to develop a happy, caring atmosphere in which everyone feels safe and valued. We aim to provide a positive high quality learning environment in which all children have the opportunity to achieve the maximum success in all they do.

In order to achieve these aims we have high expectations of the children’s behaviour so they need to know what is expected of them. Thus we involve the children in the development of the school rules and classroom rules in order to improve their understanding of our expectations.

Children need to know that bullying, racism and physical and verbal abuse are totally unacceptable in school as well as in society. If there is evidence of such behaviour in school it is dealt with promptly in an appropriate manner. The children need a clear understanding that there are consequences for all misbehaviour and various sanctions are used which are fully explained to the children

Parents are always informed if the staff are concerned about a child’s behaviour and are involved in any action taken to try to overcome the problem. On rare occasions a problem may be so severe that the child has to be excluded from school for a limited period. The vast majority of our children respond extremely well for the vast majority of time to the positive aspects of our discipline policy resulting in classroom behaviour at Baines’ being excellent.

We work to encourage good attitudes in a positive way by praising the children as much as possible for their work, effort and behaviour. Children may earn certificates, stars, stickers, merits and credits for their efforts. Some of these are given in class and some presented in assemblies. At the end of each term formal presentations of fountain pens are made in junior assembly to children who have earned gold certificates. In this way, both the children being praised or rewarded and those who see it are encouraged to behave well.


Updated: 17/06/2024 98 KB