Pastoral Care and Support at Baines’ Endowed



Here at Baines’, excellent pastoral care and support is offered to all children, their families, the staff and the wider community.


All staff follow the school values and mission statement and all work together in a ‘Culture of Kindness’ in order to meet the needs of the Academy family. In addition, the Academy has a dedicated Pastoral Team specifically to support the wider needs of any child and their family.



Meet the Pastoral Team



Miss N. Sawyer - Deputy Headteacher 

"Miss Sawyer helps us sort out our behaviour and keeps us safe. I think she is a lovely person and very helpful. She helps everyone learn from their mistakes." 

Lily-Rose - Year 6 


Mrs G. Corbett - Pastoral Engagement Officer    

"Mrs Corbett helped me through my hard times. She is just an amazing person. She is the best."

Scarlett - Year 6


Ms S. McIntosh - SENDCo

"This is Miss McIntosh. She has really helped me with everything since she started at Baines’. She is a really big help to everyone. She even helps staff!"  

Isabella - Year 6


Mrs S. Watkins - Behaviour Mentor

"I like Mrs Watkins because she is nice. She is reasonable and I like it when she says, ‘Why are you here?’ I appreciate her because she helps me sort things out when I am sad."

Taylor - Year 5


Mrs A. Tew - Learning Mentor


"Mrs Tew helps people who are having a bad day feel better. She gives all her time to the children. Mrs Tew does fun activities with us and cares about us."

Chloe - Year 6


PIPPA - Therapy/Reading dog

Baines’ is very fortunate to have a Therapy and Reading dog - Pippa. Pippa supports a variety of children and visits all classes regularly. She is a very well loved member of the school family.



Pastoral Care at Baines'

Just like every child has individual educational needs, they each have individual pastoral needs and at Baines’, the staff strive to meet those needs in a variety of ways.


There are several dedicated spaces (The Rainbow Room, The Reflection Room and The Workshop) which are used to offer support in lots of different ways and for a variety of reasons. Sometimes this is as a one off session, sometimes as a series of sessions and might be for an individual child or a group of children with similar needs. Some children require a ‘soft landing’ into their school day or a calm place to access their lunchtime. Each child and their need is analysed on an individual basis and packages of support are put in place where necessary.


Behaviour Management - At Baines’ it is believed that children communicate in a variety of ways to express themselves and their unmet needs. This is monitored and evaluated in order to develop nurturing provision to help them manage their relationships in a positive way. The school values underpin everything that is done and form the backbone of Academy expectations for children, parents, staff and visitors.


Learning Support - Children sometimes need additional support to be able to access their classroom learning. Again this could be for any number of reasons but might include support to manage concentration, support for developing speech and language skills, support to manage anxieties or to strengthen fine motor control for example. The list is not exhaustive and each child is supported in a personalised way.


Early Help (Family Support) - At Baines’ it is believed that it takes a community to raise a child. At times, everyone needs support in one way or another, there is help available at Baines’ with a range of situations from providing spare uniforms and signposting to local services to providing more intensive multi agency support.


Bereavement - There are specifically trained staff to support children who have suffered loss. When appropriate, groups or individual support is offered along with signposting to relevant bereavement services and resources.


EAL Support (English as an Additional Language) - Children who speak English as an additional language receive support according to their individual needs.


The Pastoral Team provides support through the following strategies/programmes. IF a child needs more specialised support they will be referred to the appropriate service.


Communication/Friendship Groups


Lego Based Therapy


Art Therapy


(Sensory) Play Therapy


Nurture Groups


Drawing and Talking Therapy




Language for Behaviour and Emotions

