The highest quality education is most easily provided when parents and teachers work together. This is the reason for encouraging parental involvement at Baines’. Parents are kept informed about their child’s progress through three open evenings each year, annual reports and informal contact. We also run a range of information meetings throughout the year. If you require information at any other time you need only ask.

We have a well-established P.T.F.A. which works hard to raise money to buy much needed items for school and organises social events for those who are interested.

We welcome parents into the school to help with such things as reading, general classroom work or perhaps to share a skill or interest. Some parents may feel unable to make a regular commitment but assist with such things as trips, activities, sports day etc, whatever you feel you can offer is much appreciated.

All parents or other volunteers who help in school are cleared under the national regulations, DBS – Disclosure and Barring Service.