Collective Worship at Baines’ Endowed
“For with God, nothing is impossible”
Luke 1:37
Baines’ Endowed is a Church of England Primary Academy, a member of the Cidari Education Multi Academy Trust, which is governed by Blackburn Diocese. The school Collective Worship experiences it provides conform to the rites, practices and doctrines of the Church of England.
We are extremely proud to be a Church of England Primary Academy, active in the Christian faith and our Collective Worship reflects this. Each week we celebrate two acts of Whole School Worship, in which we focus, half termly, on one of our twelve values. We use resources recommended by Blackburn Diocese and constantly strive to ensure that our school community experiences worship which engages them in the Christian faith, which lifts their spirits and enables them to develop their own spiritual relationship with God and with each other.
Once a week, our Worship Monitors lead worship in their own classes, based on big questions which are linked to our core values. We celebrate our worship through song within our Key Stages once per week and each Key Stage also enjoys Worship once per week, when they gather together to celebrate achievements and awards.
Baines’ enjoys very close links with St. Paul’s Church, Marton; the Vicar, Church Wardens and other members of the clergy, play an active role in the life of the school and provide valuable input into our religious education and collective worship. From time to time clergy and members of other churches and religious organisation support our work with the children.
Each year, we celebrate major festivals and events in the calendar of the Church of England, along with major festivals of other world faiths. We aim to develop in our children a tolerance and respect of themselves and others, so that they understand fully, that God values all his children. We enjoy our relationship with St. Paul’s Church and work closely with them on Church and School Services for our pupils, staff, parents and governors.
As a member of Cidari, we also fully engage with our partner schools in supporting the Cidari mission statement:
“To provide high quality education for all children based on clearly established Christian values and principles.”